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  • SEIU Oregon State Council

    Building a more just and vibrant society for all Oregonians

  • SEIU Oregon State Council

    Building a more just and vibrant society for all Oregonians

  • SEIU Oregon State Council

    Building a more just and vibrant society for all Oregonians

  • SEIU Oregon State Council

    Building a more just and vibrant society for all Oregonians

  • SEIU Oregon State Council

    Building a more just and vibrant society for all Oregonians

SEIU Oregon State Council is a coordinating body combining the political programs of SEIU Local 503 and SEIU Local 49.

SEIU Local 503

SEIU 503 is an organization of more than 72,000 Oregonians. We provide valuable services to our communities, doing more than 500 different jobs in 85 state, local government, and non-profit agencies and care facilities.

CAPE (Citizen Action for Political Education) is SEIU 503's issues-based, member-driven Political Action Fund.

SEIU Local 49

SEIU 49 is a union of more than 15,000 members throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington. Our members work in a variety of facilities in the healthcare,  janitorial, security, custodial, and laundry service industries.

COPE (Committee On Political Education) is SEIU 49's issues-based, member-driven Political Action Fund.

SEIU members participate at every level of politics and policy in Oregon, but we are not an advocacy group. We are a union. The union’s political program is informed by a democratically elected group of SEIU members, who drive SEIU’s positions on a wide range of issues and candidates and monthly contributions that average $8.